Assistant Pastor of Congregational Life

Detroit, MI


  • Full-time pastor with benefits
  • Assistant pastor; reports to Senior Pastor
  • General pastoral duties (leading in corporate worship, congregational care, administration)
  • Development of youth ministry


  • Assist weekly with Sunday liturgy and preach up to 12 times a year
  • Oversight of small group ministry - The pastor will focus on equipping and shepherding leaders, and also connecting new members/visitors to small groups
  • Develop a youth ministry for middle and high school students
  • Work with current staff on leading Redeemer Kids (birth through elementary)
  • Attend Session meetings, GLP meetings and General Assembly
  • Available to preach/teach in other contexts (church plants, Sunday School, leadership training, chapels)

Full Time

Character that is becoming of a minister in the Lord's church, as described in 1 Timothy 3:1-7 and Titus 1:5-9 Ordained (or ordainable) as a Teaching Elder in the Presbyterian Church of America Committed to working hard, being flexible, staying humble and doing whatever it takes to further the mission of the church


Jon Saunders


Redeemer is looking for the right fit and is willing to build some aspects of the job description around a specific man's gifting. If you would like to inquire about this position, please submit a cover letter, and resume to Redeemer's Sr. Pastor: [email protected]

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