Grace Reformed Presbyterian Church (a congregation of the Bible Presbyterian Church) in Greeneville, Tennessee is seeking a church planter to assist the church in its goal to establish a daughter congregation in a nearby town.
Grace Reformed Presbyterian Church was planted in 1998 as a church plant of Westminster Presbytery (PCA). We are a confessional church committed to the Scripture as the inspired, inerrant and infallible Word of God and fully subscribe to the Westminster Standards. We hold to a high regard of the regulative principle of worship concerning our worship services.
We do have a core group of members who are eager to start a plant in the Kodak, TN area. There are 500k people living within 40 minutes’ drive of Kodak, and 112k people within a 20 minutes’ drive of Kodak. GRPC has set aside funds to finance the plant.
Master of Divinity Degree The Session of GRPC has identified the following characteristics and qualities of a successful candidate for the position of church planter: • Ordained in a consistently Reformed/Presbyterian and conservative denomination and able/willing to be ordained in the Bible Presbyterian Church • Is committed to: ◦ the full inerrancy, authority, and sufficiency of Scripture in all areas (including Biblical/nouthetic counseling) ◦ full subscription to the Westminster Standards (not good faith subscription) ◦ an ordinary means of grace ministry ◦ expository (lectio continua) preaching ◦ Biblical, historic gender roles in the home, church, and society ◦ Presbytery and Synod attendance and service ◦ personal holiness ◦ faithful, consistent, joyful Sabbath observance (with morning and evening worship) ◦ Biblical family management, personal and family worship ◦ a collegial, team-oriented pastoral ministry ◦ being self-disciplined and self-motivated ◦ excellent interpersonal and communication skills
Carl van der Merwe
(423) 523-9124
The starting date is flexible
If interested and for more information, please contact Carl van der Merwe, senior pastor,
Grace Reformed Presbyterian Church (BPC)
Phone (423) 523-9124
1111 Myers Street, Greeneville, TN 37743