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Pastor, New Hope Presbyterian Church

Kent, WA

Pastor – Job Description Role: The Pastor serves the Lord and His church through leading, teaching, and preaching the Good News of Jesus Christ from God’s Word, so that each member may be more effective in the ministries of this church. The Pastor is the chief promoter of the ministry vision of the church, the main preaching pastor, the moderator of the Session, and the head of staff. This is an EPC ordained full-time position. Responsibilities: 1) Regularly and consistently preach the Good News of Jesus Christ from God’s Word at the Sunday morning and other special worship services. Ensure the sacraments are properly celebrated and encourage and strengthen the prayer ministry of the church. 2) Promote and articulate the vision God has given to the church. This is done through preaching, teaching, and written articles, as well as through regular interactions with committees and members of the congregation. 3) Moderate meetings of the Session and congregation, provide orientation and training of new elders, and ensure the Nominating Committee has proper biblical guidance in their selection of elders and deacons. 4) Supervise, guide, and mentor the ministry staff. Lead the weekly staff meeting and prayer time; provide encouragement, accountability, and evaluation of each staff member. Review staff performance in consultation with the Personnel Committee. Provide direction to each ministry and clarify goals. 5) Promote the outreach of the church to both our community and visitors. Continue looking for opportunities to enfold our tenant churches in the life of our church. 6) Represent the church in the Evangelical Presbyterian Church at the Presbytery and General Assembly and in the greater South King County community. 7) Conduct weddings, funerals, and other pastoral care as required and as schedule permits. 8) Counsel and visit as schedule permits; ensure that counseling, visitation, and diaconal ministries are staffed appropriately. 9) Teach Sunday school, mid-week, or special classes as schedule permits. Ensure that the Discovery/membership class is taught regularly to encourage and inform new attendees and provide a path to becoming a member of the church. 10) Perform other duties as requested by the Session. Relationships The Pastor will maintain positive, healthy relationships with all groups within the church, including special relationships with the following groups: 1) Session: serving as its moderator. 2) Ministry Staff: serving as their supervisor and mentor. 3) Congregation: serving as its pastor and shepherd and participating in churchsponsored events, as appropriate. 4) Deacons and Facility Maintenance Team: serving as an encourager to them. (While another member of staff may provide direct support, the Pastor needs to be in relationship with these boards.) The Pastor also actively interacts and has special relationships with various committees, including: 1) Personnel Committee: coordinating the evaluation of staff performance, identifying and resolving any personnel related conflicts, and addressing staffing issues and opportunities. 2) Worship Committee: ensuring our worship services glorify God and enable us to worship Him with all our heart, soul, and mind. 3) Nominating Committee: serving as an ex officio member. Results A congregation that is worshiping in spirit and in truth, sharing the Gospel, and committing to strengthen families and single adults within our community for the sake of Christ and His Kingdom.

Full Time

Ordainable within Evangelical Presbyterian Church


Michael Madany


Please go to and scroll down the list to Washington; there you will see 3 uploaded pdf files relating to New Hope Presbyterian Church. Reading through them will give you a fuller picture of the position.

Next, click on this page of the EPC website:

Scroll down to the FORMS section and download the Personal Information Form (PIF).  After completing it, you can email the pdf file to me as an attachment.  Our NHPC Pastoral Nominating Committee will then review it and we’ll respond to you with our decision.

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