Pastor of Ministry Operations
The Pastor of Ministry Operations supports the ministry of Harvest Orthodox Presbyterian Church (OPC) by working with the other pastors, elders, and ministry teams (e.g. Worship, Walk, Witness) to coordinate ministries across the congregation and to advance session-determined goals. This pastor shall also manage non-ordained staff, work closely with support teams (e.g.
Building & Grounds, Tech, etc.), and provide support and encouragement to ministry leaders, including the other pastors.
Core Competencies: • Loves Christ and His Church • Knows and subscribes to the Westminster Standards • Experience working within an organization • Preference given to someone with at least five years of ministry experience • Practices spiritual disciplines to grow as a disciple of Christ and exhibits the fruit of the Spirit • Committed to doing ministry by prayer • Highly skilled in leadership and administration • Disciplined and organized • Clear in verbal and written communication • Able to articulate and implement vision for different ministry areas • Strategic thinker who is able to lead others to unite around and execute ministry strategy • Highly skilled at working with and through others • Able to recruit and energize others in ministry tasks • Faithfully stewards giftedness of others • Able to work well in a team setting • Able to receive direction • Experienced at developing others as God has gifted them • Able to create a healthy, vibrant, volunteer culture
Please submit a resume and cover letter to [email protected].