A. Preaching: Preach as planned by the Session, but expect to cover most- up to 75%- of the messages that faithfully exposit Scripture and apply its truths to the hearts of the audience.
B. Teaching: Teach God’s Word in Sunday School and/or church-led community seminars, ensuring that spiritual growth needs are met for members and seekers alike. Identify and provide needed training for congregational lay leaders as he discerns by the Spirit.
C. Shepherding: Eagerly pursue meaningful relationships with our congregants so that care and counsel take place in a genuine personal space. Work closely with our Associate Pastor (and the Session, to some extent) to accomplish this goal.
D. Discipleship: Engage in discipling and training leaders to build up the body of Christ at Covenant.
E. Outreach: Promote a culture of evangelism and encourage congregants to participate in His Kingdom’s work together.
F. Mercy/Service: Observe the various needs and hurts in the local community, and strive to help our congregation
tangibly address some in a Christ-glorifying fashion.
To enable fruitful ministry at Covenant, the Pastor’s duties and responsibilities will be modified as necessary - perhaps at
the annual review from ruling elders (Article IV, Section 5 of Covenant Church by-laws).
A. Spiritual: ● The gospel is daily manifested in his life and is the driver of spiritual growth. ● Deep love for Christ’s church and His people. ● Dependent upon and guided by prayer. B. Personality and gifting: ● Evangelistically skilled and fruitful. ● Effective in multiplying mature and equipped believers. ● Efficient in planning, organization, and execution, yet adaptable as well. ● Able communicator in person (face-to-face), via email, and in-pulpit. ● Enjoys working with others and is able to handle crisis situations with biblical resolution. C. Professional: ● Seminary-trained male who’s ordained (or will seek ordination) in the Presbyterian Church of America. ● Fully aligns with PCA & Westminster Confession of Faith. ● Works well with and encourages other team members, especially in areas of ministry collaboration. ● A coachable, teachable self-starter who is self-motivated and hard-working. ● Prefer a candidate with 7+ years of pastoral experience in a church with 75+ regularly attending worshippers. D. Other: ● While not required, fluency in Chinese (Cantonese or Mandarin) is preferred.
Susan Young
(646) 823-5550
If Interested: Send resume and a cover letter to [email protected]. Eventually you’ll need to fill out
the PCA Ministerial Data Form too: https://www.pcaac.org/pastor-search/pastors-open-to-a-new-call
The cover letter should be personalized for this position and address the following topics:
A. What is your sense of calling?
B. What are your desires and goals in ministry?
C. Why are you interested in this position at this particular point in time?