Senior Pastor

Goshen, NY

Goshen Christian Reformed Church

Goshen NY – Hudson Valley

On behalf of the Council and congregation, we’d like to briefly introduce Goshen Christian Reformed Church as we search for our next pastor. Goshen Christian Reformed Church, located in Goshen, NY, is prayerfully seeking a lead pastor for our growing congregation. While we have a strong presence of multigenerational families, we continue to be blessed with new families and individuals seeking a welcoming Christ centered church. We hope to find the right pastor to help us continue to grow in our mission. We feel our church has seen positive growth that has been moving us towards our goals, has strengthened our ministries, and has upheld our overall mission. We have seen continuous growth in leadership, families, new membership, kids and youth programs and community outreach. We believe we are positioned to continue to grow under the next strategic lead pastor. We hope that you find our church profile to be helpful in expanding upon who we are and what we stand for as you continue your journey in searching for a new position. If you believe your interests, passions, and gifts of ministry align with the mission and values of Goshen CRC, then please consider connecting with us.


1. Graduate degree from recognized, accredited theological seminary

2. Ordained or willing to be ordained in the CRCNA

3. Strong commitment to the Word of God

4. Meets biblical leadership qualifications in Titus 1 and 1 Timothy 3

5. Spiritually and emotionally mature, can counsel those entrusted into his care


- Preaching the Gospel

 - Maintaining thorough knowledge of scripture

 - Encourage congregation to grow in their faith

 - Lead multigenerational congregation - Passion for community outreach and involvement

 - Co-lead with Elders and unite staff and ministry teams

If you feel a calling to see more our website is:

Please send all resumes, requests for full profile and any other requests to: [email protected]

Thank you for your prayerful consideration to serve with us.

Full Time

- Graduate degree from recognized, accredited theological seminary - Ordained or willing to be ordained in the Christian Reformed Church - Strong commitment to the Word of God - Meets biblical leadership qualifications in Titus 1 and 1 Timothy 3 - Spiritually and emotionally mature, can counsel those entrusted into his care


Henry Vogel


Please request a full church profile and supply a few details of yourself as we start this process.

We recognize God has already chosen our under-shepherd and we are just following His direction.

Requests can be sent to: [email protected]

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