Truth Bible Church (Callaway, MD) – Youth/Children’s Pastor
The Big Picture
Truth Bible Church ( is seeking a full time Youth/Children’s Pastor.
I. Overall: Share the Pastoral/Shepherding responsibilities of a growing church that is around 200 people (including adults and children) with the Lead Pastor, Executive Pastor, and Lay Elders with the goal to present “every man mature in Christ” (Eph. 4:12-13, Col. 1:28-29, Heb. 6:1-2) and to multiply Biblical churches (Acts 1:8, Titus 1:5, 1 Tim. 3:15).
A. Teaching and Preaching 1. Teach the youth Sunday morning Bible Class weekly (currently studying the book of Ephesians, previously FOF/Fundamentals of the Faith by John MacArthur) 2. Teach the youth group lesson on Sunday nights (currently studying Bibliology/survey of the Bible, previously the book of Romans) 3. Teach or co-teach an adult or youth oriented mid-week Home Group (currently doing sermon discussion/ application of Acts, previously many books of the Bible) 4. Preach the main sermon once a quarter at our 9:00 and 11:00a services (currently studying the book of Acts) with the goal of becoming an Elder and possibility of becoming the Lead Pastor of a future church plant as the Lord enables our church to grow and Lord willing plant more churches. 5. Preach as needed at special events, including weddings, funerals, evangelism events, B. Administration/Planning Special Events: Plan, Organize, and Execute Youth Events and help/participate in All-Church Events 1. Annual Meeting / Financial Banquet / Youth Fundraiser (January) 2. Youth Winter Retreat (usually in February) 3. Seder Supper / Resurrection Sunday (March or April) 4. Women’s Retreat and Bible Conference/Concert (usually March or April) 5. Aloha Night and Graduation Sunday (May - welcoming new 6th graders, saying good-bye to graduating Seniors) 6. Youth Summer Camp (usually in June) 7. Vacation Bible School (usually in July) 8. Men’s Retreat (September) and All Church Campout (October) 9. Youth Christmas Party (December) 10. Monthly Fellowship Events – like Coffee House, Light Vision - youth going out to evangelize together C. Discipleship/Counseling: 1. Disciple 1 to 1 the faithful high school men (if married, hopefully the Youth Pastor’s wife disciples the faithful high school women), overall building 1-to-1 Discipleship relationships according to 2 Tim. 2:2 & Titus 2:3-4 2. Counsel youth and their parents as needed. Share the counseling load with the TBC Elders (marriage, parenting, life dominating sins/addictions, depression, financial, premarital, bereavement, etc.) 3. Counsel those dating/courting/engaged for marriage to do so Biblically with all-purity and wisdom including pre-marital counseling (8 sessions). D. Evangelism: (All forms - Church, Lifestyle, Friendship, Tracts, Events, Visitation/Door to Door, Street Preaching) 1. Making disciples while we are going by fishing for men at all times and in in many ways a. Daily prayer for the lost and personal evangelism to make the most of every opportunity. b. Regular preaching of the gospel during the worship service (we preach the gospel every Sunday by the male members of TBC – called the mini sermon) c. Weekly visitation of visitors and some door-to-door evangelism/canvassing so that our Pastors are the spiritual leaders, examples, and pacesetters of the church. d. Occasional canvassing of the nearby neighborhoods and street preaching with the church e. Overall participation and leadership by example in the church’s evangelism plan, including various evangelism events or projects of the church (ex. inviting a neighbor over for dinner and sharing the gospel, everyone passing out tracts/invitations to their neighbors around Christmas, Rez Sunday, etc.) E. Eldership Training: Mentorship, Accountability, and Leadership Training that works towards being a TBC Elder: 1. Attend the bi-weekly Eldership Training meetings (currently Friday mornings at 7a) 2. 1-to-1 Discipleship/mentorship meeting with the Lead Pastor as schedules permit 3. Participate and help as able our Leadership Training/Mentorship Program to select, equip/train, and install our own Elders and Deacons 4. Attend as able our once a month our men’s ministry called Faithful Men for accountability in devotional life/thought life, family life/marriage & parenting, church life, and witnessing life. F. Eldership/Administration/Oversight Meetings and Ministry Meetings 1. Attend bi-weekly Elders meetings (currently Friday mornings) 2. Attend weekly staff meeting (currently Tuesday mornings) 3. Attend and provide oversight to various ministries and their ministry meetings 4. Fully develop and utilize your spiritual gifts/talents/goals G. Church Planting/Missions: 1. Assist in helping our current church planting endeavors. In, September 2023, TBC planted an extension campus with a goal of this campus becoming an independent church when a full-time seminary trained Pastor can be found and hired, the campus becomes financially independent, and when a plurality of Elders/Deacons for this location is trained and installed. 2. Be willing, ready, and expectant to plant other churches by training or leading those who will go plant new churches or training or leading those who will stay and take the church planting team’s place. 3. Be willing, ready, and expectant to go on short term or long-term missions (training others to go with you.) II. Overall character and abilities of the man that we are looking for (Elder qualified/above reproach - 1 Tim. 3, Titus 1 (KFATLEG) K – Knowledgeable – seminary level training preferred, college level/Bible degree or equivalent accepted, able to exegete the Scriptures in the original languages so as to instruct in sound doctrine, refute false teaching, navigate and motivate the Scriptures in counseling, and overall discipling and encouraging others towards Christian maturity F – Faithful – one who is reliable, trustworthy, loyal, and committed to the church through thick and thin, who loves the people and is willing to sacrifice for the Lord and His church, and whose motive is genuine and not in it for the power, prestige, or money. He is able to take constructive criticism, biblical rebuke/correction, and Biblically handle conflict in the church so that He perseveres with the Lord’s strength the inevitable storms of life and attacks on the church. He can be counted to be one of the last men standing and one who would even give his life for the Lord if that were demanded of him by the Lord. A- Available – one who is available to make all the Elder meetings, available to make most of the church sponsored events, available to disciple others to maturity, and visible where he is viewed as the one of the most faithful and committed examples and spiritual pace setters of the church. As a teacher he must be willing and disciplined to put in the long hours necessary to do good Biblical exegesis and hermeneutics. T – Teachable – he is one who does not hide his sin, but honestly and openly confesses it to the Lord, his spouse, his leadership, and his church – so that though he is not a perfect man, he is known to be a humble and teachable man who is constantly fighting his sin/flesh and constantly building the defensive walls of his life to resist the temptations of life. He values others above himself, and honestly regards the opinions of others as equal or above/more important than his own. He regularly practices giving deference to others and dies to his own preferences. And yet he will never compromise for any reason (even if it cost him his job/livelihood/home, his reputation, or his life) the clear principles of Scripture. He is a team player that does not just delight in his own gifts/abilities, but delights in helping others develop their giftedness so that everyone is fully utilized for the Kingdom. Overall, he is a humble man who is regularly beating down his pride and submitting to the Holy Spirit and Holy Scripture, Spiritual Leaders, and Government as unto the Lord. And the primary way his humility/teachability is shown is he is a man of prayer as that is the best antidote to pride. He does not demand his way, but takes a genuine interest in the welfare of others. L – Loving – he must be a Shepherd who genuinely loves his sheep as the Lord loves the church/his bride and is willing sacrifice/lay his life down in tangible ways for the protection, growth, and health of the church. Likewise, he does not lord it over people, but lovingly, gently, and yet firmly leads God’s people towards truth, love, and maturity. E – Eternally minded – a man who is living not for the praises of men, does not define success in the eyes of men/approval of men, nor compromises to the pleasures or fears/bends to the pressures of men, but who is storing up treasure for himself in heaven as one who is keenly focused on pleasing God in every respect and giving Him all the glory. He is driven for the Lord, but also content with what the Lord has given him (money, houses, cars, spouse, children, friends, etc.) He is not a covetous, envious, critical, or a depressed person but overall joyful, thankful, and gracious Christ-follower/slave of God, Husband/Father to his family, Pastor to his church, and Evangelist to the lost. G – Gifted – he is a gifted teacher who is an expert in Scripture, passionate, not boring, interesting to listen to, easy to follow/understand, and who overall accomplishes the mission of leading/shepherding God’s people to love and obey His Word as a Biblical church helps people know God’s Word, and Live out/obey God’s Word in practical/godly living. III. Biblical Expectations: 1. He is a good slave of Jesus Christ – living and dying for Jesus Christ as Lord so as to love Him, know Him, serve Him, and worship Him forever. Giving God all the glory is his greatest joy and his unalterable lifelong mission. 2. He is a good husband/father – He is a Biblical husband and father who is obeying and growing in the commands, character, and practice of being above reproach in his family life. 3. He is a good friend – he takes it seriously to hold the lead Pastor and the other leaders accountable – to holy/godly speech, life, love, faith, and purity (1 Timothy 4:12). He prays for the needs of those around Him as a loyal yokefellow and does not just love with speech, but in action and in truth. 4. He is a good soldier –he is faithful to complete the delegated tasks of the Lead Pastor even if he struggles to enjoy the tasking, doesn’t like the tasking or the timing, or would prefer to do it another way. Overall, he is not a complainer, but has a good attitude and is reliable to complete the mission within the timetable given. 5. He is a good shepherd/churchman – the people know that he loves them, trusts his love of God, knowledge of the Word, and example in living the Christian life that they listen and heed his counseling and leadership/shepherding. 6. He is a good farmer – he is patient with the church’s weaknesses, his own weaknesses, and the weakness of others – allowing God in His timing to grow and mature the church. 7. He is a good athlete – he is running the Christian marathon well to the best of his ability and effort – always seeking to do His best for the Lord and to walk in a manner worthy of the calling that he has received. He is competing to receive an imperishable reward/crown and living by the rules that the Lord has established for the Christian race. IV. Lead Pastor‘s (Chad Laird) Expectations of the Associate Pastor: 1. Pray together - start everyday in the office praying with each other and for each other, our families, our church/sheep, our community, and our world 2. Evangelize together – spur each other on towards love and good deeds – primarily the Great Commission. For example – encouraging one another to regularly make calls, visits, pass out tracts or flyers together, knock on doors in the community together, visit businesses together, and visit schools/colleges together. 3. Study together – check each other’s exegesis for our sermons and Bible Studies and be teachable/open for suggestions and improvements to our preaching and teaching. 4. Fellowship/Hang out together – be not only ministry partners but friends who share a deep (commonality) fellowship. V. The Associate Pastor will be an Elder that goes through the TBC Elder Candidate Process (see TBC Membership Matters Manuel) and must meet all the Biblical Qualifications for Pastors/Elders including: 1. Regular personal devotions – one who walks in the Spirit and walks humbly and closely with thy God by being consistent in the Word and constant in prayer. 2. Regular discipleship of his family – prayer/word with wife, family devotions/discipleship with children 3. Regular attendance, to include his family, of our main meetings (Sunday School and Sunday Worship, Sunday Nights, and Mid-week Home Groups). Overall, he is committed to fellowship and does not do these things only for a paycheck, but only to give him the most time/availability to devote himself to the Word and to Prayer and fulfill His calling/ministry as a Shepherd. 4. Regular, cheerful, and generous tithing/giving that sets the example for the church of a 2 Corinthians 8 & 9 giver. 5. Regular hospitality that opens his home to fellowship with those in the church (meals, Bible Studies, etc.) 6. Regular evangelism and discipleship – he is a reproducer/contagious Christian who leads by example in the critical areas of evangelism and discipleship. 7. Regular worship – overall his life is an expression of continual worship - holy/different from the world around him as is dedicated to bringing glory/worship to God (7 days a week, 24/7, 365 – his life is an expression of worship/devotion to God/Jesus as King of kings and Lord of lords). VI. Why we are hiring an Associate Pastor at this time: Our previous Associate/Youth Pastor who served faithfully in this position for 6 years, just recently took another church position closer to family. We recently started a 9a service at a new location and are looking to hire two additional Pastors – a full time Youth/Children’s Pastor and a part time Campus Pastor to help us shepherd the 13 families at the new location, and to also visit/evangelize, disciple/counsel the expected new families who we pray the Lord will bring in His timing. We need more Elders to effectively govern/steer/oversee 2 locations and to come alongside our Elders so no one gets burned out or out of balance as we need help in the following areas: administration/planning, counseling/discipleship, evangelism/visitor follow up, leadership training/development, knowing/praying/calling/meeting with our members, growing/expanding the youth group, helping be pleasing/successful in God’s eyes VII. Financial Package/Compensation: (65000-85000 total compensation package) Salary and Housing Allowance Range: 60,000 to 80000/year based on Education, Experience, and Family Size/Financial Needs (each Pastor can determine their own breakdown between salary and housing which is not taxed) Ministry/Travel Expense Account – 4200/yr (350/mo) reimbursement Health Expense Account – 600/year (50/mo) reimbursement (typically our Pastors qualify for free Maryland Health Care / Medicaid) Vacation – 2 weeks paid vacation plus 7 Paid Holidays (Christmas, New Years, Resurrection Sunday, Memorial Day, Independence Day, Labor Day, Thanksgiving). Plus one additional day paid vacation for every year served at TBC (faithful service in other ministries/churches/mission field will be considered) Relocation/Moving Expense: TBC will pay reasonable moving expenses to Southern Maryland. VIII. Commitment /Length of Service and Education and Training/Experience Requirements: We are ideally looking for a man who is from the Mid-Atlantic Region/Maryland/DC area or who has family on the East Coast and asking that they reasonably commit to serve at TBC for a minimum of 4 years, although this does not expect or require service in the same position but rather seeks longevity and consistency for our people and Pastors who love this church/love our people and love this area with the intention to commit and invest for the long term. We are ideally looking for a seminary trained candidate with an earned Master of Divinity Degree from a seminary that is likeminded to TBC. We will consider candidates with a bachelor’s degree or Bible related degree or equivalent training from a church as long as they also have significant ministry experience working for a church or ministry.
Jason Lancaster
The Process
Please look over this job description and the church website. Along with your resume please answer these questions:
Why do you believe that you might be a good fit as the Youth/Children’s Pastor at Truth Bible Church?
Describe your experiences in ministry and how you may be qualified to serve as the Youth/Children’s Pastor at Truth Bible Church?
In just a few sentences please give a summary of your theology and how that is in line with the beliefs of Truth Bible Church?
Please send your resume, the answers to these questions and an online worship link to [email protected]